Fixed | Arko for Rhino - Latest update (1.5.0) wont open because of missing file DLL'Webview2loader.dll"

Hi, after downloading the latest version of arkoai i am now unable to open the program due to this error:
Error: Unable to load DLL ‘WebView2Loader.dll’ ; The specified module could not be found, (Exception from HRESULT: 0X8007007e)

Any assistance would be great! thanks

Hello, thanks for reaching out. We are looking into this now and will respond as soon as possible with a resolution.

Did you install ArkoAI using the packageManager or the installer? @theoneanddone

@theoneanddone, we have released version 1.5.1 for Rhino. Could you please installed the latest version?

Hi i installed arko via the installer. thanks

Great! could provide the link? thanks

Here you go: INSTALLER

Hi @theoneanddone,

Did the latest version fixed the issue you were having?

Hi unfortunately it didnt, but it is resolved now becuase i copied the ‘webview2loader.dll’ from another rhino plug in to the arkoai folder in roaming appdata. thank you for you assistance

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